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13538 Pedagogy and Labour - Three-year degree in Social Education

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education Theory
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Dynamic - Active participation. Sessiones related to foundations and theoretical reflexion will be alternated with dynamic group work that will encourage reflexion on the topics posed for discussion.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
ARBIZU ECHÁVARRI, F. (1998): La Formación Curricular Específica. Claves para el desarrollo curricular. Santillana. Madrid.
COLOM, A.J. Y OTROS (1994): Estrategias de formación en la empresa. Narcea. Madrid.
DEL RÍO, E.; JOVER, D. y RIESCO, L. (1994): Formación y empleo. Paidós. Barcelona.
FARRIOLS, X.L.; INGLES, M. (1994): La formación profesional en la LOGSE. ICE y Horsori. Barcelona.
FARRIOLS, X.L.; INGLÉS, M. (1993): De 1 escola a la feina: les practiques a 1 empresa en la formació professional. ICE y Horsori. Barcelona.
FERMOSO, P. (1994): Pedagogía social. Fundamenlación científica. Herder. Barcelona.
JOVER, D. (1999): La formación ocupacional. Para la inserción. La educación permanente y el desarrollo local. Editorial Popular. Madrid.
OBJECTIVES 1º - Understand the interactions between the educational and labor environments. 2‹ Consider Social Pedagogy as a theory of socio-educational intervention. 3‹ Analyze the features of Specific Professional Training, Occupational Training and some of their experiences. 4‹ Analyze the general features of education programs in a company. CONTENTS - Social Pedagogy as theory of the socio-educational intervention. Work Pedagogy in the semantic field of education: education and employment. - Specific Professional Training: the LOGSE and the LOCE. Training at Work. Law of Qualifications and of Professional Training. - Occupational Training. The P.G.S., T.I.S experiences, Schools, Shops, etc. - Education in the company. Related labor