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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

13535 Pedagogy and Play - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education Theory
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Investigation in team-work, presentations on investigation and experimenting with game and toys. Creating portfolios.
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
AZNAR, P. ; GARFELLA, P. ; GARGALLO, B. (1995). Elaboración de casos educativos. Servei de Formació Permanent. Universitat de Valéncia.
BORJA, M. (1980). El juego infantil. (Organización de las ludotecas). Oikos-Tau. Barcelona.
BORJA, M. (Coord.).(1994). "Tema monográfico: Ludotecas". Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, nº 19.
BORJA, M. et al. (1995). Les ludoteques catalanes. Estudi d una realitat. Universitat de Barcelona.
CARO, R. (1978). Los días geniales o lúdicros. Espasa-Calpe. Madrid.
CASCÓN, P. Y MARTÍN,C.(1995). Alternativa del juego I. Juegos y dinámicas de educación para la paz. Los libros de la catarata. Madrid.
CERIANI, A. (1996). La simulazione nei processi formativi. F. Angeli. Milano.
CONTENTS: Historical evolution of play: from the classics to the pedagogical realism. Educational play: antecedents and development. Contributions of the experimental psychological school: Montessori and Decroly. Play theories: from the classical enunciation to the psychoanalysis. Constructive theories of play. The play concept and its dimensional analysis. Playschools as educational agencies. Toys as elements of play. Instruments for the analysis and classification of toys: the E.S.A.R. system. Toy design, goodness criteria and norms of security. Toy museums. The game - mime as educational technique. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: To verify how play and toy have been a formative/educational means in human's history. To consider playschools as educational agencies. To characterize the quality attributes of a good toy and to know the norms of security. To analyze games and toys in psychopedagogical terms. To create playschool projects. To create and apply mime games. To develop abilities for the pedagogic and socio-educational intervention in formal and informal educational contexts.