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13516 Adult Education - Five-year degree in Pedagogy

Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures. Debates, comment on texts. Practical suppositions. Field work. Analysis of tasks, materials, movies,... participation of teachers that work in adult education.
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
ADORNO, T. W. (1998) Educación para la emancipación. Madrid. Morata.
BELTRÁN, J. (2002) Ciudadanía y educación. Valencia. Germanía.
CABELLO, J. (1997) Didáctica y Educación Personas Adultas. Málaga. Aljibe.
FREIRE, P. (1990) Naturaleza Política de la Educación. Barcelona. Paidos.
JARVIS, P. (1989) Sociología de la educación continua y de adultos. Barcelona. El roure.
- CONTENT: 1. Approach toAdult Education: Socio-historical perspective. The Education of Adults in Spain: social functions, environments and agents of decision. Modalities and Programs. The Educational Reform and Adult Education. 2. The Education of Adults within the context of future challenges: importance of socio-economic policies and cultural knowledge of adult life. 3. Planning, development and evaluation of the currículum for Adult Education. -OBJECTIVES: To acieve certain conceptual precision related to adult education, which can be used as an instrument for reflection and action. To acquire knowledge about adult education at present and an indepth critical analysis of the problems and contradictions. Analyse the production, selection and distribution processes of knowledge in our society. Analyse the problems related to curriculum and organizaion in adult education and offer possible alternatives.