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Fitxa tècnica d'una assignatura en una titulació

13316 Morfosintaxi i Semàntica: Anglès - M.LLENGUA ESTR.00

Facultat de Magisteri
Didàctica de la Llengua i la Literatura
Professor responsable
Met. Docent
A combination of inductive and deductive approaches to English grammar and semantics, which includes:
- use of English activities
- teacher's explanations.
Materials: Text book, audio recordings and other auxiliary materials.
Met. Avaluació
- A mid-term written examination.
- A final written examination.
- Two interviews with the lecturer
- Haines, S. and B. Stewart. 2004. New First Certificate Masterclass. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- McCarthy, M. and F. O'Dell. 1994. English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Carter, R., Hughes, R. & McCarthy, M. 2000. Exploring Grammar in Context: Grammar Reference and Practice, Upper-intermediate and Advanced.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Murphy, R 2004. New English Grammar in Use (with Answers). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Eastwood, j. 2003. Oxford Practice Grammar with Answers. Oxford: Oxford University press.
1. Grammar terminology. Word classes and phrases. Sentence structure.
2. The verb phrase: Time, tense and aspect.
3. The noun phrase. Nouns. Determiners. Articles. Pronouns.
Word formation.
4. Adjectives and adverbs.
5. Prepositions and phrasal verbs.
6. Linking words.
7. The simple sentence.
8. The complex sentence. Reported speech.
9. Modal verbs.
Lexis and semantics
10. Lexical meaning.
11. Sentence meaning.
12. Interpersonal meaning.
13. Vocabulary.
To review the most relevant aspects of English morphology, syntax and semantics.
To give students the opportunity to use this systemic knowledge in class through communicative activities and exercises.
To improve the students' listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in English.
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