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13038 Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering - Computational Sciences and Telematics Engineering

School of Engineering
Computer Science
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Magistral lecture in the class and development of practical works at the laboratory.
Met. Avaluació
To approve the lecture, it will be necessary to approve independently theory and laboratory. Theory will be evaluated through a final examination. Laboratory will be evaluated through the qualification obtained doing the practices and a final laboratory examination.
Inteligencia Artificial: Un Enfoque Moderno
S. Russell. Prentice Hall, 2ª ed, 2005 (Biblioteca Ciencias)

Fundamentos de Inteligencia Artificial
L.A. Munárriz. Universidad de Murcia, 1994 (Biblioteca Ciencias)

Inteligencia Artificial. Una Nueva Síntesis
N. Nilsson. Mc Graw Hill, ()

Principios de Inteligencia Artificial
N. Nilsson. Diaz de Santos, 1986 (Biblioteca Ciencias)

Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence
I. Bratko. Addison-Wesley, 1990 (Biblioteca Ciencias)

Principles of Artificial Intelligence and Expert System Development
D.W.Rolston. Mc Graw-Hill, 1988 (Biblioteca Ciencias)

Bases de Datos y Sistemas Expertos
D.F.Frost. Diaz de Santos, 1990 (Biblioteca Ciencias)
1. Introduction and Basic Concepts
1.1. Definition of Artificial Intelligence
1.2. Division of Artificial Intelligence
1.3. History of Artificial Intelligence

2. Heuristic Search
2.1. Search problems representation
2.2. Search methods

3. Knowledge Representation
3.1. Knowledge Representation Schemes
3.2. Knowledge Representation Schemes with Uncertainty

4. Automatic Learning
4.1. Introduction
4.2. ID3 Method
4.3. Michalski Method

5. Neural Networks
5.1. Natural neural networks
5.2. Artificial neural networks
5.3. Supervised networks
5.4. Non supervised networks

6. Intelligent Agents
6.1. Introduction
6.2. The Environment
6.3. Architecture
6.4. Architecture II

7. Applications of the Artificial Intelligence
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Expert Systems
7.3. Natural Language Recognition
7.4. Speech Recognition
7.5. Computer Vision
7.6. Planning

Laboratory Program
A* Algorithm
Minimax and Alfa-Beta
Rule production systems
Expert Systems
Natural Language Recognition

This subject intends to serve as introduction to the field of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence contains many advanced programming techniques, as for instance declarative programming and functional programming, already seen in the subject of 3º academic year "programming languages", object-oriented programming, heuristics, knowledge-based systems, natural language recognition, and so on.

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