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12817 Group Representation and Characteristics - Five-year degree in Mathematics

Faculty of Mathematics
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
In the theoretical sessions, the active part of its development will correspond basically to the professor. The participation and work of the students in the classroom will be promoted, specially in the practical sessions.
Met. Avaluació
A theoretic and practical examination will be made. In the final qualification, may also be valued the resolution of questions, problems and exposition of subjects that colud possibly be proposed.
Alperin, J. L., Bell, R. B., “Groups and representations”, Springer-Verlag, 1995.
Doerk, K., T.O. Hawkes, “Finite soluble groups”, Walter de Gruyter, 1992.
Gordon, J., Liebeck, M., “Representations and characters of groups”, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
Isaacs, I. M., “Character theory of finite groups”, Academic Press. 1976.
Huppert. B., “Endliche Gruppen I”, Springer-Verlag, 1967.
Group Representation Theory consists of studying groups by means of studying their representations as matrix groups, and their characters. This is a course for beginners and we will develop the following contents: Álgebras, Modules, Representations. Characters. Burnside's paqb Theorem. Induced Modules. Representations, and characters of normal subgroups.
This is an introduction to representations and characters of finite groups. This theory is a deep tool to study finite groups, and has important applications to Physics and Chemistry .
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