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1272 Methods and Techniques in Social Research - Three-year degree in Social Work

Faculty of Social Sciences
Sociology and Social Anthropology
Lecturers in charge
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Project work - -
QUIVY, R.; VAN CAMPENHOUDT, L. (1992): Manual de investigación en ciencias sociales. México, Limusa, Noriega editores.
TAYLOR, S.J.; BOGDAN, R. (1992): Introducción a los métodos cualitativos de investigación. Buenos Aires, Paidós.
BELTRÁN, M. (1991): La realidad social. Madrid, Tecnos.
BOURDIEU, P.; CHAMBOREDON, J.C.; PASSERON, J.C. (1975): El oficio de sociólogo. Madrid, Siglo XXI.
GARCÍA FERRANDO, M.; IBÁÑEZ, J.; ALVIRA, F. (1986): El análisis de la realidad social. Métodos y técnicas de investigación. Madrid. Alianza.
GIDDENS, A. (1998): Sociología. Madrid. Alianza.
The thematic content seeks as it s fundamental objective to qualify the student to design and develop investigation projects. It is necessary to discuss the following : - Notion, features, difficulties and types of social investigation, placing emphasis on its use in the practice of social work. - The phases of social investigation. - The main techniques of collection data. - Basic statistical operations employed for the analysis of social reality.
Qualify the student to design and develop social investigations. The student needs to know the vocabulary of social investigation and the variety of existing techniques for its realization.

1. Access way to social reality. Methodological perspectives.
2. The investigation process.
3. The initial question.
4. Search of information for social investigation: libraries, databases and Internet.
5. The hypothesis formulation.
6. Main techniques of social investigation: the observation, the interview in depth, the histories of life, the discussion group, the content analysis and the survey.
7. The collection of data, the analysis and interpretation of the data and the elaboration of the final report.