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12487 Sociology of Labour - Three-year degree in Labour Relations

Faculty of Social Sciences
Sociology and Social Anthropology
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination - -
SANTOS, A., POVEDA, M. Trabajo, empleo y sociedad, Tirant lo Blanc, Valencia.
WATSON, T. (1995) Trabajo y sociedad, Hacer, Barcelona.
BLOCK I. - Work: an introduction.
Work and the way it is perceived and organized constitutes a key question in the framework of the traditional concerns of sociology, , understood as a form of developing a critical understanding of the industrial capitalist society. In that sense, therefore an introductory topic to some aspects of the work, and mainly, to the one that takes place under the salaried form is nesserary.

Topic 1. - What is work?

BLOCK II. - The structuring of work.

Topic 2. - The structuring of work I.

Topic 3. - The structuring of work II.
1. Formal organizations.
2. Basic principles of design in work organizations.
3. Configuration of work in industrial society: the process of work division.
4. Main changes in the managerial administration of manpower.

BLOCK III. - Conflicts and labour relations.

Topic 4. - Conflicts in work.
1. The labour conflicts.
2. The mobilization of interests.
3. The administration of the conflict.

Topic 5. - Spain: the regulation of labour and social fragmentation.

BLOCK IV. - Sociology of employment: an introduction.

Topic 6. - The employment
1. Some useful concepts for its study.
2. Labour market of the Spanish State.
3. Consequences of the segmentation of the labor market.