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12468 Quality and Human Resources Management - Three-year degree in Labour Relations

Faculty of Social Sciences
Business Administration 'Juan José Renau Piqueras'
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
In the theoretical sessions, the teacher will explain the programmed theoretical concepts, and student commitment will be encouraged and valued. In the practical sessions the student will develop case studies.
Met. Avaluació
The final mark ten points are distributed as follow: theory 7,5 and practice 2,5. The theoretical part will be assessed with a writing exam, multiple-choice and discussion questions. The practical part will be assessed with the development of case studies and a final examination.
Claver, E., Molina J. F. y Tarí, J .J. (2004): Gestión de la calidad y gestión medioambiental, Pirámide, Madrid
Moreno, M. D., Peris, F. J. y González, T. F. (2001): Gestión de la Calidad y Diseño de Organizaciones: Teoría y estudio de casos, Prentice-Hall, Madrid
Petrick, J. A. y Furr, D. S. (2003): Calidad Total en la Dirección de Recursos Humanos, Gestión 2000, Barcelona

Evans, J. R. y Lindsay, W. (2000): Administración y control de la calidad, Cuarta edición, International Thomson Editores, México
James, P. (1997): La gestión de la Calidad Total. Un texto introductorio, Prentice-Hall, Madrid
Lloréns, F. J. y Fuentes, M. M: (2000): Calidad Total: Fundamentos e implantación, Pirámide, Madrid
The subject contents can be grouped in three different blocks:

-the first group study aspects related to quality management (chapters 1 to 5)
-the second group introduce the student to the role played by the human resources management in those organizations that have decided to implement a quality system (chapter 6)
-and the third group analyze the repercussions this implementation has on the work context and on the work developed by human resources in those organizations (chapters 7 to 9).

In brief, the subject programme is the following:

Chapter 1: Quality concept and dimensions
Chapter 2: Quality management: concept and classical contributions
Chapter 3: Quality management: quality assurement
Chapter 4: Total Quality Management
Chapter 5: Leadership and teamwork: their role in quality systems implementation
Chapter 6: Quality management and human resources strategy
Chapter 7: Quality management repercussions on job design
Chapter 8: Quality management repercussions on organizational structure and processes
Chapter 9: Quality management repercussions on organizational members

The main goal of this subject is to provide a suitable training on the theoretical and practical basis of the quality management, emphasizing the links and the repercussions it has on the human resources management of the firm.
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