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12418 Introduction to Psychological Evaluation - Three-year degree in Speech Therapy

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment
Lecturers in charge
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Lectures and practical activities.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Anastasi, A. Y Urbina, S. (1998). Tests psicológicos. México: Prentice Hall Fernández-Ballesteros, R. (1992). Introducción a la evaluación psicológica.Vol. I y II. Madrid: Pirámide.
1. Concept and basic models of psychological evaluation. 2. Process as scientific procedure. 3. Observation. 4. Self-evaluation. 5. Interviews. 6. Objective techniques. 7. Subjective techniques. 8. Projective techniques. 9. Intelligence assessment. 10. Practical activities. OBJECTIVES: To promote a wide understanding in the field of psychological evaluation, as a scientific process in the analysis of human behavior and to provide practical experience in diagnosis: study of cases and writng reports.