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12347 Psychology of Drug Dependence and Abuse - Five-year degree in Psychology

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Lecturers in charge
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Lectures and practical sessions in computer lab.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Lorenzo, P., Ladero, J.M., Leza, J.C., Lizasoain, I. (1999). Drogodependencias. Madrid: Panamericana. Becona, E. (1995). Drogodependencias. En manual de psicopatología vol 1. A. Belloch, B. Sandín y F. Ramos. Madrid: McGraw-Hill
1. Basic concepts 2. Cerebral system of recompensation. 3. Opium based drugs. 4. Psycho-stimulants. 5. Hallucinogens 6. Tranquilizers 7. Other legal drugs: caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. 8. Practical exercises. OBJETIVES: to provide the necessary knowledge in order to understand how drug abuse subtances act on the nervous system.