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12322 Psychological Evaluation - Five-year degree in Psychology

Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy
Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment
Lecturers in charge
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Final examination - -
Pelechano, V. (1988). Del psicodiagnóstico clásico al diagnóstico eco-psicológico, vol. 1 y 2. Valencia: Alfaplus Pons, D. (1993). Lecciones de psicodiagnóstico 7: Evaluación de la ansiedad. (dir. Marisa García Merita). Valencia: Nau Llibres.
1. History of psychological evaluation. 2. Psychological evaluation concepts and models. 3. Psychological evaluation process. 4. Communicating the results. 5. Scientific and ethical guarantees. 6. Interviews. 7. Observation. 8. Self-evaluation. 9. Subjective techniques. 10. Projective techniques. 11. Objective techniques. 12. Evaluation of Intelligence. 13. Evaluation of personality. 14. Evaluation of professional interests. 15. Neuropsychological evaluation. 16. Evaluation of old aged patients. 17. Psychological evaluation environments. OBJECTIVES: To understand and manage concepts and terms of evaluation, being able to design an appropriate evaluation plan.