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12285 International Marketing Fundamentals - European Degree in Business Administration (Own degree)

Faculty of Economics
Marketing and Market Research
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Attendance at the seminars is compulsory. The active participation of students during the class is encouraged.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination
*Nieto, E. y Llamazares, O. (2000). Marketing Internacional. *Czinkota, M. y Ronkainen, I. (2002). Marketing Internacional. Prentice-Hall

*Alonso, J. Y Donoso, V. (1997). Competitividad de la Empresa Exportadora Española. ICEX. Madrid.
*Bradley, F. (2000). International Marketing Strategy. 2ª Edic. Edit Prentice Hall. London.
*Keegan. (1997). Marketing global. Prentice Hall
*Usunier, JC. (1992). Commerce Entre Cultures. Edit Puff. París.
*Consejo Oficial de Cámaras de Comercio, Industria y Navegación. (2002). Como Empezar a Exportar . Biblioteca Práctica de Comercio Exterior.
The objective of this course is to make students aware of the importance of the international markets when analysing growth strategies. It will enable students to start and develop international activity, paying special attention to new market possibilites, market research or product selection. List of contents: 1.- International marketing: introduction 2.- Key decisions in the implementation of strategies 3.- International Enviroment 4.- Market analysis 5.- Strategic International Marqueting Process Planning 6.- International product strategy 7.- International price strategy 8.- International place and distribution strategy 9.- International promotion strategy 10.- e-commerce and international marketing
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