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12045 Criminal Law II -

Faculty of Law
Criminal Law
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
a) Biliografía básica:

-Vives Antón, T.S.; Boix Reig, J.; Orts Berenguer, E.; Carbonell Mateu, J.C. y González Cussac J.L.: Derecho penal. Parte Especial, Valencia, 1999.
-Muñoz Conde, F.: Derecho penal. Parte especial, Valencia, 2002.

b) Bibliografía complementaria:
-Quintero Olivares, G.(Dir.) et alt.,: Comentarios a la Parte especial del Derecho penal, Pamplona, 2002
-Rodríguez Mourullo, G. (Dir.): et alt.: Comentarios al Código penal, Madrid, 1997
-Vives Antón, T.S. (Coord.) et alt.: Comentarios al Código penal de 1995, Valencia, 1996.

The subject of Penal Law II contains topics that are traditionally known, like Special Area of Penal Law. This matter is constituted by the different penal infractions that figure in books II and III of the penal Code, this is, the crimes and the offences, as well as those contained in the special penal Laws. Therefore, it is a subject of positive Law, which implies that its structure is formed around the legal regulation of crimes and offences. All this means that a theoretical analysis should be carried out in different ways of interpretating each type, without forgetting the importance of appropriate perspective together with knowledge of jurisprudence in achieving a practical application. This way, it is easy to understand the essential nature of the subject, which is reflected in the syllabus that considers it as an annual, core and obligatory subject. The fundamental objective resides in the basic knowledge of each one of the figures that makes up the special section of Penal Law. We attempt to apply the outline of the general theory of crime that was studied in the General Section (Penal Law I), and understand the different interpretations, both doctrinal and jurisprudencial, of each figure, in such a way that, once the theoretical knowledge has been aquired, the student is able to apply them to resolving cases, using in each case that interpretive line that can be better adjusted to the proceedural position (accusation or defense) to which it applied,