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Schedule of the subject Marine conservation: Cetaceans, turtles and other large marine vertebrates (43254) Group PT-T0

Descargar horario ICS  Weekly schedule  Complete course schedule 2022-23

24/11/2022 (Thursday)11:4513:45AULA B-3 FAC. BIOLÒGIQUES (BLOC B)
25/11/2022 (Friday)11:4513:45AULA B-3 FAC. BIOLÒGIQUES (BLOC B)
29/11/2022 (Tuesday)11:4513:45AULA B-3 FAC. BIOLÒGIQUES (BLOC B)
01/12/2022 (Thursday)11:3014:30AULA B-3 FAC. BIOLÒGIQUES (BLOC B)
02/12/2022 (Friday)08:3010:30AULA B-3 FAC. BIOLÒGIQUES (BLOC B)
12/12/2022 (Monday)08:3010:30AULA B-3 FAC. BIOLÒGIQUES (BLOC B)
14/12/2022 (Wednesday)15:3017:30AULA SEMINARI ZOOLOGÍA FAC. BIOLÒGIQUES (BLOC B)
11/01/2023 (Wednesday)15:3018:30AULA B-3 FAC. BIOLÒGIQUES (BLOC B)

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