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9267 Physiology of Exercise - Five-year degree in Sport and Exercise Sciences

Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Teacher explains theoretic contents in the room, which are complemented by laboratory practice. Tutorials allow to clarify doubts and to comments several aspects of interest for the student in a more personalized manner.
Met. Avaluació
A final general exam about the theoric and practic contents of the subject.
Tratado de Fisiología Médica
Autor: Guyton y Hall
Ed. Interamericana - McGraw-Hill
Fisiología del ejercicio
Autor: J. López Chicharro, A. Fernández Vaquero.
Ed. Panamerica.
Fundamentos de Fisiología del Ejercicio
Autor: McArdle, Katch y Katch
Ed. Interamericana - McGraw-Hill
Fisiología del deporte.
Autor: R.W. Bowers, E.L. Fox.
Ed. Panamericana.
Fisiología de la actividad física y del deporte.
Autor: J. González Gallego.
Ed. Interamericana - McGraw-Hill
Valoración del deportista. Aspectos biomédicos y funcionales.
Autor: JJ González Iturri, JA Villegas García.
Ed. Femede.
Fisiología Humana
Autor: S.I. Fox
Ed. Interamericana - McGraw-Hill
Theoric program (three credits) includes the study of the responses of the human body to exercise, special physiological aspects of physical exercise in children, elder people and women, and the physiological basis of fatigue, ergogenic aids and doping. Practical sessions (1.5 credits) include anthropometry, valuation of cardiovascular and respiratory changes during exercise, and the valuation of maximal aerobic power, anaerobic threshold and anaerobic capacity.
The study of this subject should allow the student to understand the function of the physiological systems and to solve problems related to the function of several human organs and systems and their regulatory mechanisms during physical exercise.
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