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8863 Food Law and Food Standardisation - Five-year degree in Food Sciences and Technology

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
Administrative and Procedural Law
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures and seminnars
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
-. ALVAREZ GARCÍA, VICENTE. ôLa Normalización Industrialö, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, 1999.
-. BOQUERA OLIVER, J.M., ôDerecho Administrativoö, 10ª edición, Civitas, Madrid, 1996.
-. ESCUIN PALOP, V., Elementos de Derecho público, 2ª ed., Tecnos, Madrid, 1999.
-. GARCÍA DE ENTERRÍA, E. Y FERNANDEZ, T.R., ôCurso de Derecho Administrativoö. Tomos I y II. Civitas. Madrid.
The main objective of this subject is to give the pupils an adequate scientific formation about the theoretical and practical aspects of food laws and their application to the management by industry and administration.