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8861 Economics and Management of Food Companies - Five-year degree in Food Sciences and Technology

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
Business Administration 'Juan José Renau Piqueras'
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Theoretical classes, seminars and tutorials.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
FERNANDEZ, R. y OTROS, (1998) ): Organización y Métodos de Trabajo. CIVITAS, Madrid.
PERIS, F.J. ; FERNANDEZ, R. y TARAZONA, F.J. (1.995) : ôCurso de Dirección y Administración de Empresasö. TIRANT LO BLANCH.
SUÁREZ, A.S. (1.981) : ôEconomía Financiera de la Empresaö. PIRÁMIDE.

With this course of Economy and Management of the Alimentaria Company, it is tried to facilitate to the students a general knowledge of which it is a company, of its problems and it forms to manage them.
In addition we will see some basic concepts on Theory of the Administration and Enterprise Strategy, which will allow us to frame of more correct and useful form the content of the program.
This program, to a large extent is structured like a series of interdependent subsystems that will be treating different functions from the company (commercial, financial, production, administration).
Finally, to affect in which he is important that the student reflects on the dependency of the different subsystems, being this one one of the objectives of the present course.
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