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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

8821 Medical Emergencies - Six-year degree in Medicine

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
The development of the subject is structured in 5 theoretical classes (one per week) more a seminar and the rest practices clinical.
Custom tutorships with physical or by mail electronic presence.
Met. Avaluació
Theoretical exam of 20 asks type test, with 5 answers and alone a valid one. To opt to the theoretical exam, they will have 80% of the carried out time of practices at least.
Harrison. Principles of Internal Medicine. Braunwald (Ed. McGraw-Hill). ISBN: 8448603621. 15ª edition
Organization of a service of urgencies
The clinical history in urgencies
Technical and therapeutic performances in urgencies
You guide clinical of urgencies
a) Clinical-assistance in the Service of Urgencies of the Hospital Clínic Universitari.
b) Seminars
To know:
The concept of medical urgency, their importance and performance rules.
The presage and the information to transmit the patient and their family.
Organization of a service of urgencies.
Rules of performance of the different sanitary communities.
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