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8598 Dermatology - Six-year degree in Medicine

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
2-Clinical practice
3-Clinical case studies
Met. Avaluació
Examination that consists: 40 short multiple election questions , 6 short questions and 10 clinical cases with one short clinical history and clinical images
Fitzpatrick, Thomas B. - Atlas color y sinopsis de dermatología clínica (2001) McGraw-Hill / Interamericana de España, S.A. 84-486-0373-7
Ferrándiz, C. - Dermatología clínica Elsevier España, S.A. (2001) 84-8174-537-5
Iglesias Díez, L. ; Guerra Tapia, Aurora ; Ortiz Romero, P. L. Tratado de dermatología (2003)
McGraw-Hill / Interamericana de España, S.A. 84-486-0556-X
A)We review the most important subjects of the dermatology in 5 great blocks:
1)Introducción to the subjet, cutaneous semiology, elementary cutaneous lesions and basic dermatopatology
2)Infections: viral, bacterial infections, superficial mycosis, cutaneous mycobacteria, zoonosis, sexual transmission diseases and manifestations associated to the infection by VIH
3) dermatological syndromes: Atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, acne and alopecia, psoriasis, lichen planus and aftosis, urticaria, toxicodermia, genodermatosis, discromias
4)Autoinmune diseases: Bullous diseases, cutaneous lupus erythematous, dermatomyositis, sclerodermia, cutaneous vasculitis
5)tumors: benign cutaneous tumors, nevus, melanoma, lymphomas, precancer and to cancer ,
B) Clinical practice in associated hospitals
The subjet of dermatology to the students of 5º is distributed course of the medicine degree of the university of Valencia. The students who attend this subjet must finalize having it the theoretical bases and you practice to know and to diagnose the more common dermatologic diseases and their relation with the general pathology
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