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8589 Medicine and Surgery of the Circulatory Apparatus - Six-year degree in Medicine

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
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Parte Quirúrgica de la asignatura:.

Balibrea Jl. Tratado de Cirugía. Editorial Toray Tomos I-II-III.

Braunwald Tratado de Cardiología Editorial Interamericana 1996.

Haimovici H Cirugía Vascular. Principios y Técnicas.Ed. Salvat 1992.

Sabinston DC Tratado de Patología Quirúrgica. Edit Interamericana Tomos I y II.

Rutherford (5 edicion ) Vascular Surgery . Edit. Saunders Tomos I y II.

Kieffer y Goedeau. Maladies arterales non artheroesclerouses de lˆadulte. Edit ARCV-1998.

Bergan y Yao Techniques in arterial surgery. Edit. Saunders. 1990.


1. - Vascular surgery.

The objectives are the knowledge of the Vascular Pathology (arterial and venous), conceptual, epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic of Angiology and Vascular Surgery to the level of Second cycle as established and advised by the Spanish Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery.

In the development of the programme the most frequent pathological processes in the Pathology of the Peripheral Circulatory System are considered.

The program comprises a total of 13 Theoretical Lessons and five Seminars developed on Topics of multidisciplinary interest.

Practicals as determined by the Department of Surgery, in the different educational Hospitals of the City of Valencia.

2.- Heartsurgery

To supplement to the Lessons of medical Cardiology, the aspects of diagnosis, indications and surgical treatment in those heart pathologies in which treatment is possible by surgery mainly or solely, or complementary to the pharmaceutical and endovascular treatment.

To increase educational collaboration with medical Cardiology by means of combined or complementary theoretical Classes, so that a better diagnostical and therapeutical orientation is achieved for each of the heart pathologies explained.

To increase in a progressive way by means of Practicals, Seminars or Tables of Therapeutic Debate the combined teaching of this Heart Path