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8567 Psychological Bases of States of Health and Illness - Six-year degree in Medicine

Faculty of Medicine and Odontology
Lecturers in charge
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· FUENTENEBRO F, VÁZQUEZ C. Psicología Médica, Psicopatología y Psiquiatría. Vol. I. Madrid: Interamericana; 1990.

· HAUSS K. Fundamentos de Psicología Médica. Barcelona: Herder; 1982.

· KRIZ J. Corrientes fundamentales en psicoterapia. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu eds.; 1990.

· LÓPEZ-IBOR JJ, ORTIZ ALONSO T, LÓPEZ IBOR ALCOCER MI. Lecciones de Psicología Médica. Barcelona: Masson; 1999.

· MYERS DG. Psicología. 5Ş ed. Madrid: Panamericana; 1999.

· ROJO SIERRA ,M. Psicología y Psicopatología del Bloque Informativo (Percepción, Memoria y Fantasía). Ed. Promolibro Valencia, 1984.

· ROJO SIERRA, M. Psicología y Psicopatología del Pensamiento. Ed. Promolibro. 1984. Valencia.

To provide the performance bases in the medical field so that, when concluding the period of licentiate, the doctor is capable of:

ň Identify the psychological aspects inherent to the medical practice
ň Detect the psychical aspects that take part in pathology
ň Establish an appropriate doctor-patient relation
ň Understand and treat the sick person in his/her psychosocial context

Theory Programme
1. Concepts and history of the Medical Psychology
2. Psychic normality and abnormality. The biopsychosocial model
3. Evolucionary aspects of the human behaviour
4. Cognitive and conductive aspects of the behaviour
5. Psychodynamic aspects
6. Stages of life: the child
7. Stages of life: The adolescent
8. Stages of life: The elder
9. Structures of personality: motivational, dynamic and cognitive components
10. Psychopathology of the attention and conscience
11. Psychopathology of the perception
12. Psychopathology of the memory
13. Psychopathology of the thought and the language
14. Psychopathology of the intelligence
15. Psychopathology of the affectivity
16. Psychopathology of the sexuality
17. Psychopathology of the feeding
18. Psychopathology of the psychomotricity
19. Psychopathology of the sleep
20. Addictive behaviours
21. The sick person. Beliefs on health and disease. Psychological reactions to il