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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

8338 Toxicology - Five-year degree in Biochemistry

Faculty of Biological Sciences
Prev. Medicine, Public Health, Food Sc.,Toxic. and For. Med.
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Two written exams. Criteria of qualification pass with five. The content of the first exam will be the Basic Toxicology and it is eliminatory for Juny. It is absolutely necessary to perform the practices.
Met. Avaluació
Theoretical classes with laboratory and informatic practices.
Bello J, López de Cerain A. Fundamentos de Ciencia Toxicológica. Díaz de Santos, Madrid (2001).
BOT. Base de Datos del Medicamento y Parafarmacia. Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos. Catálogo de Especialidades Farmacéuticas. Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos, Madrid (2006).
Klaassen CD y Watkins JB. Casarett y Doull. Fundamentos de Toxicología. Mc Graw-Hill Interamericana, Madrid (2005).
Repetto M. Toxicología Avanzada. 3 ed. Díaz de Santos, Madrid (1995).
Repetto M. Toxicología Fundamental. Díaz de Santos, Madrid (1997).
Basic Toxicology includes the phases of the toxic phenomenon like exhibition, absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion, mechanisms of toxicity and their effects as well as the methods of toxicity assessment. Drug toxicity like potential agents with adverse effects, in certain circumstances, when are used with correct therapeutic guidelines or as responsible of acute intoxications.
Analytical Toxicology develops in the laboratory methodologies that allow measuring the concentration of the toxic substances in biological samples and interpret the results obtained
To provide a general knowledge of the potential adverse effects of drugs to assess their danger and risk for living beings, establishing the appropriate precautions, protection and restrictions to its use.
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