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8328 Parasitology - Five-year degree in Pharmacy

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
Cellular Biology and Parasitology
Lecturers in charge
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Providing theoretical classroom lectures and practical laboratory classes in which the students study the most important parasitic human diseases by slides, power-point, draws, microscopes, etc.
Met. Avaluació
see attached document
1.- ASH (L.R.) & ORIHEL (T.C.), 1997.- Atlas of Human Parasitology. 4ª. Edition. American Society of Clinical Pathologist (ASCP) Press, Chicago, 424 pp.

2.- BOGISTH (B.J.) & CHENG (T.C.), 1998.- Human Parasitology. 2ª edition. Academic Press, Orlando, 496 pp.

3.- GOLVAN (Y.j.), 1990.- Atlas de Parasitologie. Schémes explicatifs d epidemiologie. Editions Le Léopard d Or, Paris, 323 pp.

4.- KETTLE (D.S.), 1995.- Medical and Veterinary Entomology. 2ª edition. CAB International, Wallingford, 720 pp.

5.- MARKELL (E.K.), JOHN (D.T.) & KROTOSKI (W.A.), 1999.- Markell & Voge s Medical Parasitology. 8ª edition. W.B. Saunders Company, Orlando, 523 pp.

Parasitological definitions. A study of the most important human parasites: morphology, life cycle, Epidemiology, Symptomatology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
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