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8323 Inorganic Chemistry - Five-year degree in Food Sciences and Technology

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
Inorganic Chemistry
Lecturers in charge
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Met. Docent
Lectures and laboratory sessions.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
1. G.Rayner-Canham.Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry, 2ª Ed. W.H. Freeman & Co. , New York. 2000.
2. F.A. Cotton y G. Wilkinson. Química Inorgánica Básica, Limusa-Wiley ed., Méjico 1979.
3. Dickerson-Gray-Darensbourg. Principios de Química, Ed. Reverté, 4ª ed., 1990.
4. G.E. Rodgers. Química Inorgánica. Introducción a la Química de Coordinación, del Estado Sólido y Descriptiva, McGraw-Hill, 1995.
5.Petrucci R.H. y Harwood, W.S. Química General. Enlace Químico y Estructura de la Materia, Prentice-Hall, 8ª Ed., 2002.
Basic concepts of physics, atomic theory, periodicity, structure and bonding and descriptive inorganic chemistry of the main elements of the periodic table and their compounds.