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8319 Pathophysiology - Five-year degree in Pharmacy

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Development of theoretical classes with an active participation of the students.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination.
De Castro del Pozo, S. Manual de Patología General. Ed. Masson.
- DICCIONARIO MOSBY Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud. Ed. Elsevier Science.
- Esteller, A. y Cordero, M. Fundamentos de Fisiopatología. Ed. McGraw-Hill
- Harrison's Principios de Medicina Interna. Ed. McGraw-Hill Interamericana.
- Laso, F.J. Patología General. Introducción a la medicina clínica. Ed. Masson.
- Robbins, S.L. Patología Estructural y Funcional. Ed. McGraw-Hill Interamericana.
Introduction to Pathophysiology, concept and location inside General
Pathology. Mechanisms of general adaptation to harmful stimuli, from the cell to the organism,
emphasizing owed environmental agents and micro organisms. Injury and cellular death.
Inflammatory response. General reaction to the stress situations. Pathophysiology of immunity.
Cancer. Pathophysiology of aging. Alterations of acid-basic, water and electrolytes, and thermal balances. The blood, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, hepatobiliary, renal, the endocrine glands, the growth and development, the nervous system, and the skin Pathophysiology. Medical basic terminology relating to all the studied aspects.
To contribute to the students the necessary knowledge of Pathophysiology to understand the essential basis of the different diseases, in order to do easier other matters, as those of pharmacological class and that of Biological Analysis and Laboratory Diagnosis. To give them the knowledge of the essential medical terminology that they can develop in their profession, reaffirming besides its sanitary character.
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