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2594 Participation in Social Work - PROGRAMA SOCIOLOGÍA-CC.POLÍTICAS

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Work and Social Services
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Combination of theoretical classes of development of concepts with practical classes of texts reading, work in groups, exposures and debates.
Met. Avaluació
Project work - -
AA.VV. ¿Trabajo voluntario o participación?. Tecnos, Madrid 1.997
AA.VV. Manuale di cittadinanza attiva. Carocci editore,Roma 1.998
AA.VV. La rosa de la solidaridad. Bancaixa, Valencia 1999
ALBERONI,F. Movimiento e istituzione. Teoria generale.Il Mulino, Bologna 1.981
CORTINA,A. Etica aplicada y democracia radical. Tecnos, Madrid 1.993
HIRSCHMAN,A. Retoricas de la intransigencia,FCE, Mexico 1.991
INFORME CARLSSON. Responsabilidad de todos. Fundación Encuentro 1.991
GARCIA ROCA, J. Solidaridad y voluntariado, Presencia social. Santander 1.994
GARCIA ROCA, J. Caminar juntos con humildad. Madrid 2000
GARCIA ROCA. J. En tránsito hacia los últimos. Crítica política del voluntariado. Presencia social. Santander 2.001
Four facts determine interest in participation:

a) The complexity of problems and the uncertain era demand the civic participation, with new strategies and intervention mechanisms.

b) The quality of life, the social well-being and the citizen s rights have transformed the participation into a substantial element in the content of the post-material necessities as in the instrument to realize them.

c) The centrality of the State begins to weaken in the resolution of social necessities and in its place new forms of participative administration of the public appear and of citizens implication in the administration of the own risks.

d) The validity and appearance of social initiatives, associations of voluntary work and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), as places where crystallizes the participative impulse of society, opens a new field to go beyond the society of well-being.

Alluding to the participation, means, firstly, a perspective that forces to recreate and reconceptualize the purposes and devices of social intervention. It supposes, in second place, a methodology for social intervention that approaches it to the ways of community production. And finally it supposes the emergence of new techniques and instruments for the administration of social risks and civic demands.

* explain the new social conditions for the participation and the new opportunities that open