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2530 Organisation and Sales Systems of Tourist Products and Services - Three-year degree in Tourism

Faculty of Economics
Marketing and Market Research
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
Attendance to lectures and active participation in seminars. Course Leader: Luis Bellvis Herrerias
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Bigné, E, Font, X, Andreu, L (2000): Marketing de Destinos Turísticos. Esic, Madrid Albert Piñole, Isabel. (1999): Gestión, Productos y Servicios de las Agencias de Viajes. Ed.Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces. Colección de estudios turísticos. Madrid. Castells, Manuel. (1997): La Era de la Información. Alianza editorial. Consejo Empresarial de la Organización Mundial del Turismo,CEOMT, (2001): Comercio Electrónico y Turismo. CEOMT. Madrid.
To provide students with the basic knowledge of marketing techniques related to product marketing and tourist services, as well as introduce students to the area of marketing applied to the tourism. List of contents: 1. Principals and general aspects of marketing applied to the tourism. 2. Organization and sales techniques applied to the tourist industry. 3. Tourist marketing and information society. 4. Application of new sale models and communication within the small and medium businesses. For further information check the web site: www.uv.es/economia (click on estudios, programas).