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2524 Tourist Policy II - Three-year degree in Tourism

Faculty of Economics
Applied Economics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Attendance of lectures and active participation in seminars Course leader: Pau Rausell K÷ster
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
- Sancho, A. (Dir). (1998). Introducción al Turismo. O.M.T. Madrid - Nácher, J., Pedro, A., Yagüe, R. (2002). Economía y Politica de Turismo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Arxius de Ciencies Socials. Nº 7. Pp. 153-172. - Bonet, Ll. (2002). Turismo Cultural: Una Reflexión desde la ciencia económica. http://www.gestioncultural.org/es/pdf/LBonet_Relexion.pdf
- To develop the concepts of the module tourist Politics - Introduction to the conceptualizations of Urban and Rural Tourism - Improve the knowledge of the tourist of the city of Valencia, as paradigm of the urban and cultural emergent tourism The list of contents is the following one: 1, Basic Concepts: strategies of Tourist Policy in the environment of the urban tourism and the cultural tourism 2, Instrumental Contents 3, Integrated Analysis of the city of Valencia like emergent phenomenon of cultural and urban tourism