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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación


Faculty of Social Sciences
Sociology and Social Anthropology
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Lectures. Some seminar and computer sessions.
Met. Avaluació
Examination based on open qüestions. Short essays and research practices as a complement.
García, E.: Medio ambiente y sociedad: La civilización industrial y los límites del planeta. Madrid, Alianza Ed., 2004.
Almenar, R.; Bono, E.; Garcia, E. (dirs.): La sostenibilidad del desarrollo: el caso valenciano. València, Universitat de València/Fundació Bancaixa, 2000.
Dunlap, R.E.: 'La sociología medioambiental y el nuevo paradigma medioambiental'. Sistema, nº 162-163, 2001, pp. 11-32.
Pardo, M. (ed.): Sociología y medioambiente: estado de la cuestión. Madrid, Fundación Fdo. de los Ríos/Universidad Pública de Navarra, 1999.
Sempere, J.; Riechmann, J.: Sociología y medio ambiente. Madrid, Síntesis.
Ballesteros, J.; Pérez Adán, J. (eds.): Sociedad y medio ambiente. Madrid, Trotta.
1. Environmental sciences, social sciences, and the relationship between environment and society.- Nature/society relationship: metaphors and definitions. Social mediations between mind and nature. Reasons for human exceptionalism.
2. The ecological approach to social sciences.- General framework for an environmental sociology. Classical theory, human ecology, political economy, modern institutions, ecofeminism. Different meanings of unsustainability.
3. Exploring limits.- The terms of the debate: doomsayers and cornucopians. Neomalthusian arguments.
4. Development and sustainability.- The semantic field. Population, technology, and the debate on sustainable development. Sustainability and equity.
5. About ecological modernization.- Delinking without dematerialization. Environment and information technologies. Sustainable consumption.
6. Environment, social structure, and social conflict.- Political economy. Technological Risk. Intergenerational distribution.
7. Social perception of environmental problems and cultural change.- Opinions, attitudes and behaviour. Sufficiency, needs and culture.
Students of this programme shall acquire the basic concepts which are needed to understand how human actions alter the environment as well as the impact of environmental changes on social organization. Main theoretical and methodological ideas about the environment/society relationship and its implications for social change and conflict, the structuration of societies, culture and public opinion, will be presented.
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