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2442 Introduction to Law - LIC.CRIMINOLOGÍA 2006

Faculty of Law
Constitutional Law, Political and Administrative Sciences
Lecturers in charge
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a) Manuales:

BELTRÁN SÁNCHEZ, E. M. y ORDUÑA MORENO, F. J. (dirs.): Curso de Derecho Privado, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2001.
ESCUÍN PALOP. V.: Elementos de Derecho Público, 2ª ed., Tecnos, Madrid,. 1999.

b) Legislación:

Constitución Española, disponible en
Código Civil, disponible en
Ley 30/1992, de 26 de noviembre, de Régimen Jurídico de las Administraciones Públicas y del Procedimiento Administrativo Común, disponible en


Lesson 1. The Law and the legal rules.

Lesson 2. The State: concept and elements

Lesson 3. The sources of Law

Lesson 4. The rights and constitutional duties

Lesson 5. Functions and Spanish State Body.

Lesson 6. The territorial structure of power

Lesson 7. The economic Constitution

Lesson 8. The individual

Lesson 9. Legal Relationship: Civil Rights and Legal Duties.

Lesson 10. The obligation

Lesson 11. The autonomy of the will. The representation

Lesson 12. The contract

Lesson 13. The legal position of the Administration. The administrative act

Lesson 15. Public Administrations

Lesson 16. The guarantee of heritage: expropriation and administrative