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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

2434 Theory and History of Unionism and the Worker Movement - Five-year degree in Sociology

Faculty of Social Sciences
Economic Analysis
Lecturers in charge
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The lecturer will explain the program in the theory classes and there will be a final exam on the developed contents. The practical classes will be dedicated to the exposure, on the part of the students.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -

W. Abendroth, Historia social del movimiento obrero europeo.
G. Martinet, Siete sindicalismos.
M. Tuñón de Lara, El movimiento obrero en la historia de España.
D. Geary, Movimientos obreros y socialistas en Europa, antes de 1914.


Por países:

Phelps Brown, H. Los orígenes del poder sindical (en Gran Bretaña)
Webb, S. y B. Historia del sindicalismo, 1666-1920, (en Gran Bretaña)
Hammond, B. El trabajador del campo, El trabajador de la ciudad, El trabajador especializado (tres volúmenes).
Markovits, A. La política de los sindicatos en Alemania Occidental.
Puig, N. Trabajo, Sociedad y Estado. Los sindicatos libres en la República de Weimar.

The objective of this subject, of optional character, is to complete three basic areas of social knowledge: 1) the institutional field in which the organized interests act 2) the field of the labor relations, in their double form of operation of labour market, and of internal organization of companies. 3) the field of the protest and of the social movements. In the three, trade unions had developed, and still continue, a main role character, for what is judged of interest for the sociologist the study of their performance. The method used is the historical one and, in accordance with this perspective, the program is structured in the following way.

In a first introductory block are approaches to the diverse theories that justify or explain the role of the trade unions, and a description of the evolution of the labour world is made. Next the diverse trade union models are explained, those that focus on the company, and those that act with a perspective of change of the society. The third block is dedicated to the basic questions of the syndicalism: their claims and historical conquests, their fights, and their cultural contributions. A specific chapter is added about the syndicalism in Spain. And the program is closed with the discussion of the objections and critics that usually present, and with the analysis of the role of the syndicalism in the context of globalization and in a framework characterized by the appearance of new social movements.