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2432 Computer Science Applied to Social Sciences - Five-year degree in Sociology

Faculty of Social Sciences
Applied Economics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Badía, F.(2001): Internet: situación actual y perspectivas, Barcelona: Servicio de Estudios de la Caixa
Beekman, G.(2004): Introducción a la Informática, Madrid: Pearson
Cortés Moreno, M.A.(2004): Guía visual. Introducción a la Informática, Madrid: Anaya
Delgado Cabrera, J.M.(2004): Manual avanzado de Office 2003, Madrid: Anaya
Frye, C.(2004): Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Paso a paso, Madrid: McGraw-Hill
Guevara Plaza, A. (coordinador)(2004): Informática aplicada a la gestión de la empresa, Madrid: Pirámide
Martos, A.(2001): Guía de aprendizaje. Herramientas de búsqueda en internet, Madrid: Pearson
Paredes Jiménez-Balaguer, H.(2004): Guía visual de Office 2003, Madrid: Anaya
Resino, C. y B. Ena(2004): Informática aplicada a la gestión de datos, Madrid: Thomson
The subject "Computer Sciences Applied to Social Sciences described in the BOE as follows : "Introduction to the operating systems,bases of programming and current description of software"., aims to introduce the student to computer science related to fundamental concepts and in the analysis of software applications that are most commonly used at the moment in public and private organizations. It is an optional subject and of eminent practical character.
In the age of information, Computer science and communications have become an indispensable element for people, a strategic factor for companies and a basic component for the integration of developing countries.
That is why we attempt to teach the future sociologist about the concepts, terminology and the computer science resources so that they acquire enough knowledge at a user's level to understand the role of new information technologies in society, of information in general, and the administration of the company in particular. At the same time, student learn the more widely applied applications in organizations providing them with an elementary structure that allows them to be explain and to capture the wide field of possibilities that the computer science offers nowadays.
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