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2430 Social Psychology - Five-year degree in Sociology

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Psychology
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
The topics will be explained and commented in class. After the explanation of topics that constitute each one of the blocks one or two sessions will be dedicated to the discussion in class of an article.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
El libro a leer y exponer en clase se elegirá entre los seis siguientes:
Moscovici, S. (1979). El psicoanálisis, su imagen y su público. Buenos Aires: Huemul. [Original, 1961]
Éste es el libro que dio origen a la línea de investigación, actualmente muy fructífera, sobre representaciones sociales. Es, por un lado, un estudio empírico bien documentado de la recreación y la reelaboración que diversos grupos sociales habían hecho del psicoanálisis en Francia en los 50, y por otro lado un pretexto y un ejemplo para desarrollar una teoría más general sobre las relaciones y los canales de comunicación entre conocimiento científico y conocimiento popular. Es, por tanto, un libro pionero que abrió uno de l
The subject Social Psychology is understood here as a basic theoretical module: its essential function, then, is that the students familiarize themselves with some basic concepts and analysis tools that make them acquire a psychosocial perspective to contemplate the phenomena. This doesn t mean, however that the subject lacks practical utility: these concepts and analysis tools will allow us to understand more complex and more specific processes, as well as a basis for psycho-social interventions.


I. Introduction
Topic 1. History and object of social psychology
Topic 2. Theoretical orientations in social psychology

II. The construction of the social world
Topic 3. The social knowledge
Topic 4. The trial and social inferences processes.
Topic 5. The perception of people: formation of impressions and implicit theories
Topic 6. The perception of groups: the stereotypes
Topic 7. The perception of acts: attribution processes
Topic 8. The social representations

III. Group processes
Topic 9. Concept and group types
Topic 10. Structure and group processes
Topic 11. The relationships among groups

IV. Communication and social interaction
Topic 12. The self
Topic 13. The interpersonal and intergroup communication.
V. Attitudes and social influence
Topic 14. The at