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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

2427 General Sociology - LIC.CC.POLÍTICAS Y ADMINISTR.2006

Faculty of Law
Sociology and Social Anthropology
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
It is, in the different degree courses, a subject integrated into the Plans of Educational Innovation in application of the processes to the European Convergence.

Met. Avaluació
The assessment method will consist of two parts:
a) Respect to activities through the course, in the classroom and for the students; it will be 50% of the final mark
b) Respect to answers of the tests done during the course; it will be 50% of the final mark
GARCIA FERRANDO, M. (coord.) (2005), Pensar nuestra sociedad global. Fundamentos de Sociología, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch.
GIDDENS, A. (2003), Sociología, Madrid, Alianza Editorial.
HERNÀNDEZ, G.M. (2002) La modernitat globalitzada. Anàlisi de l'entorn social. València: Tirant lo Blanch
MACIONIS, J.; PLUMMER, K. (2003) Sociología. Madrid: Prentice Hall.
ARIÑO, A. (ed.) (2003), Diccionario de la Solidaridad, València: Tirant lo Blanch.
GINER, S., LAMO DE ESPINOSA, E., y TORRES, C., (2000), Diccionario de Sociología, Madrid: Alianza.
The issues considered are:
1. Looking and thinking sociologically
2. The agency and the interaction
3. Basic demographic process
4. Culture: beliefs and knowledge
5. Socialization
6. Family and kinship
7. Market and work
8. Political system
9. Educational system. Religion
10. Gender and age
11. Social classes
12. Ethnicity
13. Mass Media
14. Globalization
The main objectives are:
1. Introducing the students to sociological view
2. Giving a general panoramic view of the fields of Sociology
3. Introducing the students to the use of the sociological information sources
The skills the students have to acquire are:
1. Sociological imagination, rupture capacity in the knowledge of 'common sense'
2. The curiosity to the understanding of the social phenomenon.
3. To be able to use the conceptual apparatus of Sociology.
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