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2369 Economic Policy - Five-year degree in Sociology

Faculty of Social Sciences
Applied Economics
Lecturers in charge
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The 9 credits of the subject are covered in 3 hours of teaching, distributed in two weekly classes (one of two hours and one of one hour).
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
1. Colomer, J. M. (2001): Instituciones Políticas, Ed. Ariel, Ciencia Política.
2. Cuadrado Roura, J. R. (2000): Política económica. Objetivos e instrumentos, McGraw Hill, Capítulos 1, 2, 3 y 4.
3. Goodin, R. E. Y H. Klingeman (2001): ôCiencia Política: la disciplinaö, en Goodin y Klingenman (eds.), Nuevo Manual de Ciencia Política, Istmo Editorial.
The general objective of this subject is to introduce the student to the analysis of the interaction between the economic results and the political institutions.To do this, the program is divided in three parts. The first one includes 3 topics that analyse from the political economic point of view, the democratic institutions starting from a traditional outline (Unit 1) to finish with a simple model of electoral competence and of characterization of the political action in a democracy (Units 2 and 3). The second part of the subject includes 3 topics that analyse the interaction between political institutions and economic results in a short period. For it, it is characterized in the topic 4 the determinants of the macroeconomic results in a short period, for in the units 5 and 6 study the relation among the democratic institutions analyzed in the first part of the subject and the macroeconomic results presented in the unit 4. The last part of the program repeats the analysis of the second but being centered in the interaction between political institutions and macroeconomic results in a long period: the units 7 and 8 present the determinant of the macroeconomic results of a long period and the political objectives linked to those results, while the unit 9 relates these results with the political institutions, as well as the institutional determinant of the public expense.