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2366 Social Structure and Spain's Social Structure II - LIC.CC.POLÍTICAS Y ADMINISTR.2006

Faculty of Law
Sociology and Social Anthropology
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Active learning based on the combination of educational explanations, participation of the students and to make practical activities.
Met. Avaluació
The student should pass a test on the topics studied. This will sum the 50% of the global qualification.

Activities in the course will also be included in the final qualification summing up to 50%.
Kerbo, Harold R., Estratificación social y desigualdad. El conflicto de clase en perspectiva histórica, comparada y global, Madrid, McGraw Hill, 2004.

The references will be complemented with specific bibliography for each topic
1. Introduction: The stratification systems.
2. Stratification and inequality of gender, generation and ethnics groups.
3. Classical and modern perspectives in the analysis of social classes.
4. The empiric measurement of social classes and the social mobility.
5. Inequality and global stratification
This course aims at approaching the complex reality of social stratification in contemporary societies, especially in Spain.
This means to consider the social groups that monopolize the social resources and why, starting from the social class research, the gender, the generation and the ethnic relations.
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