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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

1972 Social Work in Health - Three-year degree in Social Work

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Work and Social Services
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Participation in work sessions. Group works.
Test of theoretical-practical knowledge
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Anderson, G.,Reiss, D., Hogarty, G. (1988) ôEsquizofrenia y familia.
Guía práctica para la psicoeducaciónö. Amorrortu , Buenos Aires.

Barton, R. (1970) ôNeurosis institucionalö. Montalbo, Barcelona.

Basaglia, F. (1972) ôLa institución negada. Informe de un hospital
psiquiátricoö. Barral S.A., Barcelona

Basaglia, F. y otros (1975) ôPsiquiatría, antipsiquiatría y orden
manicomialö. Barral, Barcelona

Bastide, R. (1978) ôSociología de las enfermedades mentalesö. Siglo XXI,

Bert, G. (1983) ôMedicina sociale. Manuale per assistenti sociali e
operatori sanitari de baseö. Fertrinelli, Milano.

Bleandonu, G. y Despinoy, M. (1974) ôHopitaux de Jour et Psiquiatríe dans
la communnautéö. Payo

. Locate the theoretical, legal and organizational frame in the health area and, in
an specific way, of mental health.

. Know the characteristics of some pathologies and mental dysfunctions.

. Analyze the social factors of risk and the characteristics of the family and social context of people with mental illness in situation of
crisis and chronic.

. Identify the social labour professional space in the frame of
Social policies, institutions and social services in the Valencian Community.

. Define the field of professional performance as member of the interdisciplinar team of Mental Health.

. Facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and methodological abilities and
techniques to intervene with people with problems of mental health and
their family and social environment.