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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

1969 Social Work with Families and other Social Networks - Three-year degree in Social Work

Faculty of Social Sciences
Social Work and Social Services
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Oral exposure, debates, tutorship, and work in groups, where an active participation of students is expected. Videoforum and open classrooms if possible.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination and project work
Attenave, C. y Speck Ross, V. (1973)
Redes familiares
Amorrortu, Buenos Aires

Ackermans y Andolfi (compiladores) (1994)
La creación del sistema terapeútico
Paidós, Barcelona

Andolfi, M (1993)
Terapia familiar. Un enfoque interaccional
Paidos, Barcelona

Barudy, J. (1998)
El dolor invisible de la infancia. Una lectura ecosistémica del maltrato
Paidós, Barcelona

Basso, R. y otros (2001)
La familia en los albores del nuevo milenio. Reflexiones
interdisciplinares. Un aporte del Trabajo Social
Espacio, Buenos Aires

Bateson, G. (1976)
Pasos hacia una ecología de la mente
Carlos Lohle, Buenos Aires

Beck-Gernheim, E. (2002)
La reinvención de la familia
Paidós, B

Know the origin and evolution of social work with families.

. Know and analyze the family system in their intra and extra family relationships.

. Know the epistemology, the process and technical procedures, from
an ecosystemic perspective, in the intervention with families.

. Apply the epistemological, methodological and technical knowledge to
family situations in which the social worker intervenes. It will be developed in ten topics, contained in three blocks:

I. - Introduction to social work with families
II. - Reference frame: the ecosystemic perspective.
III. - The process of help in the intervention with families. Instruments and
technical procedures of intervention