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1678 Gender Psychology - Three-year degree in Social Work

Faculty of Social Sciences
Basic Psychology
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Development of concepts and theories on the part of the teaching staff and active and dynamic participation of students. Attendance is necessary.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -


Barberá, E. (1998). Psicología del Género. Edit Ariel, Barcelona.

Barberá, E. (2000). Género y organización laboral: intervenciones y cambio. En J. Fernández (Coord). La intervención en los ámbitos de la sexología y la generología. Edit. Pirámide, Madrid (En prensa).

Barberá, E., Sarrió, M. y Ramos, A. (Coords.) (2000). Mujeres directivas: promoción profesional en España y el Reino Unido. Edit. Institut Universitari d'Estudis de la Dona. Colecció Quaderns Feministes. Universitat de València, Valencia.

Beall, A.E. y Stenberg, R.J. (1993). ThePsychology of Gender. Guilford Press.

Campillo, N. y Barberá, E. (Coords.) (1993). La discrimina

The basic objective of this optional subject consists of providing a theoretical and applied vision of the derived psychological and social implications of the classification of the humans in females and males, classification that begins before the birth, and that goes through completely the development of behaviour and of the psychic activity, affecting, in a particular way, to the interpersonal relationships. It is equally sought to promote in the students a critical sense that facilitates the valuation of the documentation offered in their different areas and thematic units.

The total of 4 5 credits, of theoretical-practical character, are distributed in ten topics contained in four central blocks. The first one, of introductory character, locates the gender perspective in the psychological discipline as well as the social worker s profession. The second block is concerned with the basic theoretical and methodological questions related to the Psychology of Gender, as well as of the main investigation strategies used in its analysis. The third thematic unit is centered in studying the biological sexual and psycho-social processes of construction of the gender, placing special emphasis on the processes of social assignment, personal identity, learning of roles and elaboration of stereotypes. The last block is centered in applied aspects related to work, family and power, as well as to the current psycho-social identity of women. In all the thematic units, it h