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Fitxa tècnica d'una assignatura en una titulació

15668 Anglès econòmic-empresarial (GEDE-GEE) I - GEDE 2003-TP-

Facultat d'Economia
Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya
Professor responsable
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Current business-related topics, which are presented in written texts or audiovisual material, are preceded by discussion questions in English, with the teacher eliciting information from learners.In pairs or small groups learners then participate in oral and written discussion activities.
Met. Avaluació
At the end of the course, students are required to take the officially scheduled final written examination covering the topics that were dealt with in class.
Alcaráz Varó, Enrique & Brian Hughes. 1996. Diccionario de Términos Económicos, Financieros y Comerciales [:] Inglés-Español Spanish-English. Barcelona: Ariel Referencia.

Longman Business Dictionary. 2000. Harlow: Longman.

Mascull, Bill. 2004 Business Vocabulary in Use Advanced. Cambridge University Press.

Murphy, John. 2007. Essential Grammar in Use. 3rd edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

The New York Times []

The Financial Times []
The course includes the following topics: The Human Dimension of the World of Work; Quality; Competitive Strategy; Marketing.
This course focuses on the linguistic needs of students pursuing a university degree in economics. The class will examine the key English language vocabulary currently being used in the field. The course is designed to prepare students to understand and discuss a wide range of contemporary buisness-related issues. For this reason students taking the course need to be at least at the intermediate level in English.
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