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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

15554 Applied Mathematics - Three-year degree in Human Nutrition and Diet

Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences
Mathematical Analysis
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
We combine sessions with theoretical content with sessions where
problems will be solved; the students will take part in these problem sessions. The computer will be also ocasionally used.
Met. Avaluació
There will be a final exam and the problems that the students have solved could be taken into account.

Apostol , Calculus, Vol. I y II, Reverté
Bradley,G.L., Smith,K.J., Cálculo de varias variables, Prentice Hall, 1998.
Milton, J.S., Estadística para biología y Ciencias de la Salud, McGraw-Hill
Quesada, Isidoro, Lopez , Curso y ejercicios de Estadística, Alhambra
Edwards,CH, Penney, D.H.,Ecuaciones Diferenciales Elementales y Problemas con
Condiciones en la Frontera, Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana, 1994.

The course begins with a introduction to differential and integral
calculus. We present also some easy ordinary differential equations. Finally we study some aspects of probability theory and statistics.

The aim of the course is that the student knows some basic tools of Mathematics. We study some theories that are useful in health sciences.

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