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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

15530 Employment Law - TICKET 509881, ID36263

Faculty of Social Sciences
Labour and Social Security Law
Lecturers in charge
Met. Docent
1. ûTeacherÆs lectures on the thematic contents of the program, debate
and conclusions around the topic or part of it.
2. û Text comments provided by the lecturer.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
1. Bibliografia recomanada, ajustada completament al programa de la assignatura:
CARDONA RUBERT, B., LÓPEZ GANDIA, J., LOPEZ i MORA, F. I SARAGOSSÀ, V. Derecho del Empleo. Tirant lo Blanch, València, 2002

2. Altres titols
MARTINEZ ABASCAL, V. A. (Coord): Política de empleo y protección social Univ. Rovira Virgili. Tarragona. 1996.
SUPIOT, A. (Coord.): Trabajo y empleo. Transformaciones del trabajo y futuro del Derecho del Trabajo en Europa. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia, 1999.
VV.AA: Inserción Laboral. I Jornadas Andaluzas de Relaciones Laborales. Universidad de Huelva. Huelva 1999.

The contents of this module aim to:
A) Impart knowledge of the fundamental characteristics of labour regulation with an impact on occupational policies: contractual modalities of work, specific regulations for the underprivileged (disabled, foreigners, youngsters, long term unemployed, women, etc.), regulation of the social economy institutions.
B) Train the student to use employment development programs in different territorial regions: community, state and of Autonomous Community.
C) Knowledge of the juridical sources, institutions and public administration organs in charge of unemployment and of occupation, such as the INEM (national unemployment institute), Autonomous Comunities services or the local region.