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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

15529 Multivariant Analysis of Human Resources - TICKET 509881, ID36263

Faculty of Social Sciences
Applied Economics
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
The evaluation of the students will be carried out through a final exam,
taking into consideration other methods of continuous evaluation during
the course.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Azorín, S.; Sánchez Crespo, J.L.: "Métodos y aplicaciones del muestreo". Alianza Univer-sidad Textos. Madrid 1986.

Calvo, F.: "Técnicas Estadísticas Multivariantes". U. de Deusto. 1993.

Casas Sánchez, J.M.: "Inferencia estadística para Economía y Administración de Empre-sas". Centro de estudios Ramón Areces. Madrid. 1996.

Cuadras, C.M.: "Métodos de Análisis Multivariante". Eunidar. 1991.

Esteban, J.; Bachero, J.M.; López, I.; Rojo, C.; Ruiz, F.: "Curso de Inferencia Estadística. Introducción al modelo lineal". CERSA. Madrid. 1995.

Ferránz Aranaz, M.: "SPSS para Windows. Programación y análisis estadístico". McGraw Hill. 1996.

Lévy, J.P.; Varela, J. y otros.: "Aná

In the field of the Human and Social Sciences it is common to appeal to statistical techniques. Making up questionnaires and the treatment of the information generated by these, are a habitual practice in research within the environment of Human Resources.

Studies of descriptive character, correlation analysis and regression and different techniques of Multivariant Analysis are the statistical methods that are in the vanguard of investigation in Human Resources.

For it, the main objective of the subject Multivariant Analysis of Human Resources, eminently practical, is to introduce the student to the aforementioned techniques, facilitating the learning of the same by means of the development of study cases. The statistical package SPSS will be the basic software used in the course.