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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

15524 Labour Market Theories - TICKET 509881, ID36263

Faculty of Social Sciences
Economic Analysis
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
McConnell, C. R. y Brue, S. L. (1997), Economía Laboral. Madrid: McGraw-Hill. Toharia, L., y otros autores (1998), El mercado de trabajo en España. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
This biannual subject is complementary to the annual subject ôLabour Economy and employment policiesö, present in the fourth course of this degree. The appropriate previous knowledge so that the student can follow the subject easily, is obtained in a course of introductory character to the economy and, additionally, to know how to handle graphic analysis.

The objective of this subject is to present a simple vision of the operation of labour market according to those ônewö theoretical neoclassicists contributions keeping in mind the institutional framework in which the labour and industrial relations are developed. Each topic has an additional data analysis that is applied to the theory and available empirical evidence. This evidence is based on market research about Spanish work, although in some cases results of other countries in our environment are used.

The absence of topics dedicated to the formation of wages in the program, the remuneration systems and the explanation of the existent salary differences in the labour market may seem remarkable. This is because these topics constitute the nucleus of the subject ( optional) ôFormation of wages and remuneration systemsö of this degree and, consequently, they are covered in their corresponding program.
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