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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

1488 Computer Science applied to Social Services and Social Work - Three-year degree in Social Work

Faculty of Social Sciences
Education and School Management
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Student attendance to practical and theory sessions. Participation in proposed practical work.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
Redes informáticas- intranet y extranet.

ParnelL, Teré (1997) Guía de redes de alta velocidad Ed. Mc.Graw Hill
Cox, Nancy (1996) Guía de redes de redes multimedia. Ed. Mc.Graw Hill
Ulizarna, J,L, (1999)-. Fundamento de HTML para web. Doc. fotocopiado
Vega, José Mª (1995) Internet. Ed. Anaya
Gilster, Paul (1996) El navegante de Internet. Ed. Anaya
Goyanes, Kuis (1997) Cibersociedad. Ed. Mc.Graw Hill
Ambegaonkar, Prakash (1997) Intranet. Ed. Mc.Graw Hill
Pfaffenberger, Bryan (1997) Soluciones Intranet. Ed. Mc.Graw Hill

Introducción al manejo de Internet. Utilidades

Varios. (1995) InfoVía e Internet. Multimedia Ediciones
De Tittel y otros (1996) Fundamentos de programación con HTML y CGI


Module 1488 forms a practical theoretical group of computer learning specially designed to cover the social worker s future professional needs.

When studying this module it is important to stress the need, on the part of the student, to have previous computer knowledge at user s level, without which it would be difficult to follow the content of the subject properly. We recommend them to have studied previously the module of Introduction to computer science in Social Sciences". However, as this module has disappeared in the current study plans the first topics of the subject tries to give a brief introduction to the handling of personal computers and the operating system Windows 98.

Nowadays, the computerization of social services is a reality, especially at a municipal level, so this subject touches upon it in a special way, and consequently teachs to use the administration programs of social services, SIM that allows the computerized handling of the social record, mobilization of economic resources, realisation of inventories of activities programs, to accede to a resources guide, to emit instances and administrative forms, etc.

As a complement to the previous program, to facilitate the control of the complex economic resources (benefits, subsidies, statistical basic, etc.), the module goes into handling calculation spreadsheets, in this case Excel, a low standard Windows program.

On the orther hand, the acces