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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14833 Public Opinion - Five-year degree in Journalism

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Language Theory and Communication Sciences
Lecturers in charge
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The student can choose between an evaluation via examination or a research project (groups max 3 people or individual ).
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- BERRIO, Jordi (1990), LÆopinió pública i la democràcia, Barcelona, Pòrtic.
- BÍCKELMANN, Frank (1983), Formación y funciones sociales de la opinión pública, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili.
- CRESPI, Irving (2000), El proceso de opinión pública, Barcelona, Ariel.
- CHAMPAGNE, Patrick (1990), Faire lÆopinion: le nouveau jeu politique, París, Éditions du Minuit.
- DADER, José Luis (1992), El periodista en el espacio público, Barcelona, Bosch.
- HABERMAS, Jürgen (1997), Historia y crítica de la opinión pública, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili.
- HABERMAS, Jürgen (1998), Facticidad y validez, Madrid, Trotta.
- LAVRAKAS, Paul, y TRAUGOTT, Michael (2000), Election Polls, the News Media, and De
SUBJECT DESCRIPTION: Formation, characteristics and social functions of public opinion. Revision of the main public opinion theories, their representations and their influence as a social and political actor. Theoretical/practical subject that complements the theoretical explanations with the realization of diverse practical works.


1) Introduction: public opinion as problem
a. What is the public opinion?
b. The public
c. The opinion
d. Notion of ôpublic spaceö

2) Public opinion theories: appearance and crisis of the classic pattern
a. Classic pattern: bourgeois public opinion
b. From bourgeois democracy to a democracy of masses
c. Marxist analysis and Critical Theory
d. Society of Masses theory

3) Contemporary theories:
a. Empirical pattern or public opinion as a combination of opinions and attitudes
b. Jürgen Habermas's Communicative Action theory
c. Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann's Silence Spiral theory
d. From elites to public: John Zaller's pattern

4) Public opinion representations:
a. Vote and Parliament
b. The media
c. Opinion polls
d. Social manifestations

5) Public opinion as a social process
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