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14808 Philosophy of Environmental Sciences and Technologies - Five-year degree in Journalism

Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication
Logic and Philosophy of Science
Lecturers in charge
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López Cerezo, J.A. y J.L. Luján (1989): El artefacto de la inteligencia, Anthropos, Barcelona.
López Cerezo, J.A. y J.L. Luján (2000): Ciencia y política del riesgo, Alianza, Madrid.
Muñoz, E. (2001): Biología y sociedad, Cambridge University Press, Madrid.
Sanmartín, J. (1987): Los nuevos redentores, Anthropos, Barcelona.
Sanmartín, J. (1999): "La biología hoy, entre el infierno y el paraíso", Revista de Occidente, nº 214 (Se trata de un número monográfico dedicado a los últimos avances en biología vistos desde una perspectiva jurídica y moral).
Suzuki, D, y P. Knudtson (1991): GenÉtica, Tecnos, Madrid.

Unit 1: Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering and Genetics concepts.
Unit 2: Genetic Engineering. History and tools.
Unit 3: Agricultural applications of Biotechnology (I): genetically modified organisms.
Unit 4: Agricultural applications of Biotechnology (II): Risks and uncertainties around the OGMs. Caution principle and OGMs regulation in Europe.
Unit 5: Social history of human genome map.
Unit 6: Human hereditary Illnesses. Genetical diagnosis.
Unit 7: social context of human hereditary illnesses genetic diagnosis.
Unit 8: Multi-factorial dysfunctions. Genetics and Labor environment. Genetical diagnosis of labor illnesses.
Unit 9: Political environment of the labor illnesses genetical diagnosis.
Unit 10: Genetic Principles and Law.