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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14762 Information Sources: Description and Typology - Three-year degree in Library Sciences and Documentation

Faculty of Geography and History
History of Science and Documentation
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
Didactic teaching that consists of theoretical classes, practical works first hand, teamwork and problem solving.
Met. Avaluació
Continuos evaluation - -
- Carrizo, G., et al. Manual de fuentes de información. Madrid: CEGAL, 2000.
- Cordón García JA, López Lucas J, Vaquero Pulido JR. Manual de búsqueda documental y práctica bibliográfica. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide; 1999.
- Martín Vega A. Fuentes de información general. Gijón: TREA; 1995.
- Torres I (dir.). Fuentes de información. Madrid: Síntesis; 1997.
To teach students to know the types of documents and to introduce them to consultation, use and creation of the main information sources (periodic publications, non periodic publications, gray literature, dictionaries, encyclopedias, directory, guides, annuals, bibliographies, biographies and other sources of information). Endow them with the skills required to handle information sources. To acquire knowledge on the valuation and evaluation of different information sources and of their variations according to the edition.