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Ficha técnica de una asignatura en una titulación

14758 The Modern Book and the Onset of Documentation - Three-year degree in Library Sciences and Documentation

Faculty of Geography and History
History of Science and Documentation
Lecturers in charge
Sin datos cargados
Met. Docent
The theoretical module will be imparted through the lectures or by means of the recommended bibliography.The practical module will involve visits to the historic-bibliographic foundation of the Universitat de Valencia.
Met. Avaluació
Final examination - -
- ESCOLAR, H., Historia universal del libro, Madrid, Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, 1993.
- FEBVRE, L.; MARTIN, H.J., La aparición del libro, México, UTEHA, 1962.
- MARTÍNEZ DE SOUSA, J., Pequeña historia del libro, Barcelona, Labor, 1987.
- MILLARES CARLÓ, A., Introducción a la historia del libro y de las bibliotecas, México, FCE, 1993.
- TERRADA FERRANDIS, M. L., La documentación médica como disciplina, Valencia, Centro de Documentación e Informática Biomédica, 1983.
The program aims to encompass the History of Books, from the appearance of printing through to the present day and the birth of modern scientific documentation, making special reference to books printed in Valenciano. Nevertheless, one should keep in mind the difficulty in trying to give a global vision of six centuries of history in such a short time, so we recommend expanding on the class explanations through complementary readings of the cited bibliography.